Equipment and spare parts from manufacturers

Spare parts and repair kits for tin canning machines

SPELS selects spare parts for canning machines and offers modernisation of existing processing equipment. We supply both original spare parts from global manufacturers and alternative parts of high quality. We value our customers' time, so we are ready to supply spare parts in both large and small quantities.

Cartridges and rollers

SPELS offers you chucks and rollers made of stainless steel for the canning industry. If required, we can apply additional coatings.

Закаточні патрони і ролики для консервуючих машин
Roll-up cartridges and rollers
Титанове покриття за технологією CVD
Titanium coating using CVD technology
Титанове покриття за технологією PVD
Titanium coating using PVD technology
Хромування проти зносу
Chrome plating against wear and tear
Покриття UCAR
UCAR coating
Керамічні ролики
Ceramic rollers
Стандартні закаточні ролики
Standard roll-up rollers
Спеціальні закаточні ролики
Special rolling rollers for rolling up

Replaceable accessories for canning machines

When it is necessary to change the size of the can in diameter or height, the machine configuration must also be adapted. SPELS offers high-quality OEM replacement tooling for can closing machines and production lines.

Для машин CEVOLANI для консервуючих машин
For CEVOLANI machines
Для машин LANICO
For LANICO machines
Для машин ANGELUS, FERRUM, CFT, ZACMI для консервуючих машин


We offer a range of upgrades and retrofit kits to improve seam performance on various models of sealing machines.

Пристрій подачі кришки з похилим подаючим шнеком для консервуючих машин
Lid feeder with inclined feed auger
Пристрій подачі кришки для консервуючих машин
Lid feeder
Апгрейд пристрою подачі кришки для консервуючих машин
Upgrade the lid feeder

You can find out more about our wrapping machines in our blog.