Стан молочного сектору України: реалії війни та перспективи відновлення Молочна індустрія України переживає безпрецедентний період трансформацій в умовах повномасштабної війни. Окрім традиційних економічних викликів, галузь стикається з наслідками бойових дій, руйнуванням інфраструктури, втратою територій та робочої сили, що вимагає кардинально нових підходів до забезпечення стабільності та розвитку. Ключове питання: Чи зможе українська молочна промисловість не […]
Клапани — ключовий компонент будь-якої лінії розливу. Їхня ефективна робота впливає на точність дозування, герметичність, швидкість розливу та якість продукції. Заміна клапанів є важливою частиною обслуговування, і підходити до цього питання слід відповідально. У цій статті ми розглянемо, на що звертати увагу при заміні клапанів, і проаналізуємо приклади від відомих компаній. 1. Тип і функціональність […]
Incandescent light bulbs from SPELS are high-quality light sources specially designed for use in modern blow moulding lines. Their advanced technical characteristics ensure reliable and efficient operation, helping to optimise production processes. One of the key advantages of SPELS lamps is their long service life and high light quality, making them the ideal choice for manufacturers in the [...]
Cooling of industrial equipment is an important part of its operation, as it helps to maintain the temperature regime within normal limits, prevent overheating and maintain high productivity. Choosing the best cooling system depends on many factors, including the type of equipment, its temperature conditions, location and the environment in which it is used. The main types of cooling systems for industrial equipment: When choosing a cooling system, [...]
Pumps are an essential element of many systems, including water and heating systems, refrigeration systems, chemical and oil plants, and food and pharmaceutical production. Choosing the right pump depends on many factors, such as the size and volume required, the viscosity of the fluid and the pressure to be delivered. Among the various types of pumps used in industry and [...]
Industrial equipment repair: how not to go bankrupt on it? Industrial equipment is the backbone of any industrial sector. The success of an enterprise depends on the quality and efficiency of its operation. Therefore, timely maintenance and repair of equipment are key aspects of its long-term and uninterrupted operation. In this article, we will talk about the importance of equipment repair and maintenance, as well as give advice on how to effectively [...]
Diaphragm pumps are an essential element in many industrial processes. They are used to transfer liquids and gases from one place to another. However, like any other mechanism, diaphragm pumps require regular maintenance and repair. The main goal of diaphragm pump maintenance and repair is to maintain their performance and ensure reliable operation. For this purpose, [...]
Screw pumps are reliable and efficient mechanisms for moving liquids and gases in many industries, such as the chemical, oil and gas, water and more. However, as with any machinery, they require regular maintenance and repair to ensure smooth operation and performance. In this article, we will look at how screw pumps are maintained and repaired.
Industrial equipment is an integral part of many production processes, and proper storage and transport is essential to ensure smooth operation and maintain high product quality. In this article, we will look at the importance of proper storage and transport of industrial equipment, as well as provide recommendations on how to pack and transport equipment. The storage of industrial equipment is essential for its [...]
SPELS tries to be a part of the functioning and development of the economic front, we are aware of its importance on the way to our victory. Therefore, we do not stop and continue to expand our capabilities in the Ukrainian market step by step and demonstrate the prospects of Ukrainian business within Europe. This time, we visited Italy, where we held a series of meetings with customers at their production sites. Successful negotiations [...]